When they heard about the resurrection of the dead, some of them sneered, but others said, “We want to hear you again on this subject.”
— Acts 17:32
In our reading today from Acts 17, the apostle Paul was preaching in Athens, Greece, about Jesus and the resurrection. Paul told the people that he could tell they were very religious because there were statues and shrines and temples to gods in every part of the city. There was even “an altar with this inscription: ‘to an unknown god’” (Acts 17:16-23). So Paul used that idea to tell his listeners about God the Father and Jesus the Son, whom the people of Athens did not know yet.
In this way Paul shared the good news that God, who created everything, now calls on people everywhere to repent of their sin, because he sent his Son, Jesus, to pay the price for all our sin. Jesus gave up his life on a cross for our sake even though he had committed no sin. And then God proved his power over sin and death by raising Jesus from the dead.
Though Paul’s words were dismissed by some of the people who heard him, others were curious and wanted to hear more.
The gospel can be sneered at—or, with a hopeful curiosity, we can ask to hear more about the wonderful things God has done for us by raising Jesus from the dead.
Lord of life, though we do not understand everything about the resurrection, give us a hopeful curiosity about all that it means for us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.