When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”
— John 4:7
Often when I invite someone into my home, I’ll ask if they would like a drink. Coffee, tea, water, perhaps? It would be rare, though, for someone to come in and ask for a drink—unless it was very hot outside or the visitor was a grandchild.
Jesus’ request for water was also unusual. Not only was he not supposed to talk to a Samaritan woman, but he was a guest at the well where she had come to draw water. She had also come alone at the hottest time of day, probably to avoid judgmental eyes and gossip.
And there Jesus met her and reached out to her. It began with a question that led into a conversation in which Jesus declared who he really was. Jesus also knew the woman’s life story before inviting her into his story. Jesus always invites. He does not demand but, rather, chooses to connect with each one of us just as he did with the Samaritan woman.
In the places where you go to step away from others, Jesus is waiting with a question: “Will you join me in a conversation about your life and where you would like it to go?” What question would you like to ask Jesus? What are the circumstances that may have brought you to this place?
When the woman came to the well, she was expecting only to get a jar of water. Instead she received living water (hope in the Messiah) that would fill her soul and change both her and her community (vv. 28-42). What is Jesus asking of you today?
Jesus, thank you for your living water and for listening to us. Fill our hearts to overflowing with your love. Amen.