“Go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’”
— Mark 16:7

Peter gets singled out.
Peter was the first disciple mentioned by name in the book of Mark (1:16; 3:16), and here he is the last one mentioned.
Peter had suffered an extraordinary failure when he denied Jesus three times (Mark 14:66-72). This was not a slight faith-flaw but a defiant public insistence: “I don’t know this man.”
Considering those words, we—and Peter—might think he was done for. Washed up. Unforgivable. Good for nothing but the trash heap. How many of us have ever thought of ourselves that way?
If you’ve ever totally blown it, lost it, or wasted it, then be sure to see the wonderful grace in this statement that singles out Peter. In this beautiful and essential nod to a disciple who failed, we find the indisputable evidence that he has been forgiven: “Tell . . . Peter”!
Replace Peter’s name with your own. Of all the great benefits of the resurrection, forgiveness is the indisputable evidence that we can understand—that Jesus has taken care of our sin and restores our relationship with him.
Jesus’ shout-out to Peter contains all the restoration and forgiveness that the Savior has earned for him—and for you!

Dear Jesus, thank you for specifically calling, by name, a disciple who failed. I am thrilled to know that you know my name and have called me to be restored too. Amen.

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