He showed them his hands and side.
— John 20:20
Christians believe in the resurrection of the body. In the end, we will live a new life in resurrected bodies as part of a new creation. Our bodies will be different from our original ones. But they will also have much in common with them.
Believing in our own resurrection is based on the resurrection of Jesus. Resurrection begins with him. New life begins with him.
Resurrection involves more than a dead person coming back to life. In resurrection a dead person begins a new kind of life. And it’s a new kind of life in the body. That’s the key point. The New Testament emphasizes that Jesus rose in his body. He is the same person who died. And now he lives a new life.
After his resurrection, Jesus wants to assure his disciples that it’s him they see, and that he is the same person. So he holds out his hands and uncovers his side to reveal his wounds. Then they know it’s him. It’s the same Jesus, the one and only Jesus, who died to save the world.
There are differences in Jesus’ body from before his death to after his resurrection. But it’s still him. He is still God in the flesh. And one day we will be like him.
Jesus, you gave up so much to become human. And you have remained human ever since. How much you love us! Amen.