Scripture Reading:

1 Samuel 17:25-58

“The Lord . . . will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

1 Samuel 17:58

Goliath mocked the Israelite army and their God. With swagger in his walk and talk, Goliath had an air of superiority that Saul’s soldiers had not seen. Fear gripped everyone, including the tall, handsome king who stood above most of his soldiers.

David heard that Saul had offered great wealth to anyone who would take on the giant. That brave person would also be exempt from taxes and receive the king’s daughter in marriage. But no one had stepped forward to fight the great warrior.

Without any military testing or time spent in Saul’s army, David said he would fight Goliath. And when Saul objected, David told about his work as a shepherd. He described amazing scenes of protecting vulnerable sheep against animal versions of Goliath. To protect the sheep under his care, David had to go out and fight lions and bears. David spoke with such confidence that no one, not even his brothers, challenged his ­story. Then David said, “The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”

David trusted in the Lord, and the Lord guided David to bring down that arrogant giant with a stone from a sling.

What lessons can we learn here for our living today?

Lord, “lead me, guide me along the way” to full life with you. May I never back down from fear or enemies that aim to threaten my walk with you. In Jesus, Amen.

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