Be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”
— Hebrews 13:5

Our ministry friend Yulia lives in Ukraine. She shared with us how the recent war in her country changed her perspectives on life and faith. One change was an acute sense of God’s closeness. “When you wake up in the morning, you are so thankful to be alive. You know that the Lord is near, and you can’t stop praising him,” Yulia wrote.
The Bible calls us to be content with everything we have. Our family, health, meals we can share with loved ones—and, of course, life itself—all are precious gifts from the Lord. But discontent distracts us from appreciating and treasuring the precious gifts God has given us so generously. Greed robs us of our inner peace and harmony with God. Fears make our faith feeble and our hearts small.
Let’s be honest—we don’t know what the future holds. We might have to go through some painful experiences and difficult times in life. Or perhaps right now you are in a difficult situation that brings you pain, sorrow, and tears.
No matter what happens, we are assured as God’s children that the Lord will never leave us. We can count on his continuous love and care. God is always near. He is our helper and our peace in this perilous and unpredictable life.

Father in heaven, thank you for being our reliable helper and protector. Fill our hearts with peace and contentment through Jesus, your Son. Amen.

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