We . . . ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all . . . wisdom and understanding. . . .
— Colossians 1:9
Is there a car or truck you would love to own but probably can’t, for one reason or another? Some years ago, I thought it would be wonderful to have a Hummer H3. It wasn’t practical or fuel efficient, of course, but I was intrigued by it. I talked about it a lot, saying that if I was independently wealthy and not creation conscious, I would probably own one. Whenever I saw an H3 on the road, I would dream.
Then one day a generous friend who owned a dealership treated me with a chance to drive an H3. He knew it had been a rough week for me, and when I came home that day an H3 sat in front of my house with a set of keys in it. He said, “No off-roading, but enjoy!” Wow! The experience was more than I had imagined. Parking was a little tricky, but just driving that vehicle was an amazing experience. It was no longer just an academic look at an H3.
Paul wants us to realize that knowing about God is not the same as experiencing God and all of his fullness. This passage is a part of Scripture that I have prayed over my children and grandchildren. Like Paul, I want them to enjoy the full experience of all that God has given. God has offered each of us the chance to adventure with him, assuring us of the full life he has in store for us. Are you ready for a test drive?
Dear God, thank you for loving us so much that you offer us life full and free. Help us to trust you enough to live into far more than just knowing about you. Amen.