My only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me. . . .
— Acts 20:24

Have you thought about what can hold people back from a deep sense of awe?
We could answer that question in a general way by saying that sin is what keeps us from enjoying deep, full life with God. But have you also wondered about how subtle sin can be? Sometimes we don’t realize how much our sinful tendencies can deceive us.
For example, I’ve noticed one thing that has a strong hold on many, many people: individualism. If you live in the West, you know that this shows up in a phrase like “Do whatever makes you happy.” I’m all for being happy, but what happens when that is taken too far? We end up putting ourselves first in everything we do. One of the hardest addictions to recover from is the selfie life.
Paul taught that he counted his life as nothing in comparison to what he had gained by following Jesus. His deep sense of awe was grounded in setting aside his own plans, dreams, and desires so that he could devote himself to God’s greater purpose for his life.
Paul was not consumed with comfort or convenience, and he found contentment in fo­cus­ing on the life Jesus had in store for him.
The greatest battle we might face in developing faith can be in holding back from giving Jesus everything in our life.

Jesus, thank you for giving your whole life for us so that we can have life to the full. Forgive us for seeking a convenient, comfortable faith. Help us to live the life you have called us to. Amen.

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