I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
— Revelation 21:2
God doesn’t tell us exactly what his coming kingdom will be like. But God does give us some pictures in the Bible to help us look forward in hope.
In Revelation 21, John describes a vision of the new heaven and new earth. He sees the city of Jerusalem coming down out of heaven. In the world as John knew it, the people could go to the temple in Jerusalem to be with God. But in this vision, the city comes down out of heaven to be with the people.
John describes the city as “a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.” The city was radiant, looking beautiful for the sake of celebration and love.
All of this sounds nice, but the best news comes when John hears what this means. A voice tells him that the coming of this beautiful city means that God will now live with his people. Because of the presence of God, in the new heaven and earth there will be “no more death or mourning or crying or pain.” God will restore his creation to complete wholeness and peace.
When you face death or mourning or crying or pain in your life today, take courage. Though these things are very difficult, they are not forever. God will make all things new.
God of hope, be near to us in our struggles. Give us courage to face the unknown future. Give us trust that we can know that you will make all things new. Amen.